Trinity Church is facing a crisis!

The property investors who purchased the church building several years ago have accelerated their timeframe to sell it, seeking to release it sooner than anticipated. This means we are one outside group away from losing the property, unless we can come up with the remaining capital.

Fortunately we have the rights to first refusal, and through the sacrificial giving of our church, we have roughly 80% of the necessary funds. We believe God has this building for us, but we need help closing the gap.

We are stepping out in faith, seeking a breakthrough — looking to partner with those who can help get these underdogs (that’s us!) across the finish line.

It would mean the world to receive your prayers, encouragement, and participation, as we seek to fulfill God’s calling in Chicago. Expanding our army of prayer supporters and special donors could make all the difference. We are calling everyone connected to Trinity to face this crisis with us, to help secure our church building, and the ministry expansion it represents.

Please register for a Zoom time slot to hear directly from us, joining in our kingdom cause, and asking any questions you have.

God sent us to reach Chicago for Jesus; He will provide; He always has. Let us partner together for God’s glory

Matt Sweetman, Founding Pastor


  • Our Pastor Matt Sweetman will give a presentation regarding Trinity’s journey to this point and our current circumstances. This will include property related details, as well as some financial particulars.
  • We will talk about our prayer initiative, and how to help spread a wide net concerning our needs. We will also ask all Zoom attendees to pray about making a contribution, ideally to be pledged within a week of the Zoom call.
  • This “ask” will be clear but respectful. No one will be singled out or asked to make any commitments during the call. The purpose of the Zoom is to learn more, to pray, and to consider how you can help. There will also be time for comments and questions. We would especially love to hear your encouragements and to know you are praying for us.

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19



July 15th: 8-9pm


July 17th: 12nn-1pm


July 20th: 9-10am


Please schedule another time

