A Family that Stretches from Chicago to Nairobi

There is something about being in a family with people that not only draws you together through emotional and physical connections but it also causes you to feel a sense of “home” when you are with them. There is an instant sense of closeness and familiarity, even if you are meeting for the first time. 7 members of Trinity Church Chicago recently returned from visiting our church family of One Tribe in Nairobi, Kenya. This relationship started years ago but has only been strengthened through the last 3 years uniting as a team for an annual kid’s camp.

3 years ago, the conversation started with an ask from Mbonisi that Trinity send over a team to help press into a word that One Tribe had received. The word was that One Tribe would reach the city through children. The ask was to send a team to help orchestrate and implement a kid’s camp with others from One Tribe. This camp came into fruition in July of 2017. And then another in August 2018. And yet again, God is good and he created another opportunity for a camp in August of 2019. This year was one of the busiest weeks yet with an average of about 115 kids per day! We saw families returning from year 1 along with new families attending for the first time. We heard many stories of how families have been added to One Tribe directly because of these camps. Kids were singing songs from years past and it was amazing to see their relationships with each other and Jesus grow stronger from year to year.

This year, as we prepared to visit our family again, I felt impressed over and over of how God was in every detail of our time there and what a privilege and blessing it is when we say yes to God. It was an easy yes to want to return and visit our church family, meet new people and see so many kids again. Time and again, God provided for every detail and necessity of this trip. Our theme of the week was, “Life is Wild, God is Good!” And what a good Father we have.



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