Be Purposeful in 2011

Destination Church Chicago is taking a break for Christmas (no gathering Dec 26). But, we are coming back strong on January 2 with a three part teaching series titled Be Purposeful, where we’ll reveal the single most important new years resolution and how to keep it.

The start of the year is a significant time to refocus. I want to challenge you to start 2011 off on the right foot and make a commitment to attend all three Be Purposeful Sundays. Rediscover your purpose in 2011 with three critical topics that will train you, envision you and motivate you to go deeper than ever before.

Prevail over the challenges of last year with three impact-full Sundays at Destination:

  1. Jan 2: Be Trained
  2. Jan 9: Be Envisioned
    Jan 16: Conference weekend. No gathering. (Join us at the Mobilise twenty-something & student conference in St. Louis)
  3. Jan 23: Be Inviting

Determine in your mind today to start 2011 with purpose and Be Purposeful.

What will you BE in 2011?