Celebration Midwest 2010

This year we are moving our Sunday gathering on June 6 to join with like-minded churches for a time of celebration and envisioning.

One of our values at Destination is that we love starting and growing churches. We have a HUGE vision to plant reproducing churches in the top 100 cities of the USA. It is so important that we take our eyes off our own city and grasp God’s bigger plan to reach the nations.

If you like Destination then you are going to LOVE Celebration! The event is open to anyone and will occur over the weekend of June 4-6 at the University of Central Missouri.

Register Now For Celebration Midwest

We already have a number of people signed up for the conference. If you’ve been thinking about it then don’t hesitate any longer. Online registration closes midnight Monday May 24. Phone bookings will still be available.

Watch the 2010 Video