Celebration Midwest 2013

Destination Church is part of Newfrontiers, a global family of churches represented by over 850 churches in over 70 nations. Every year, we have a chance to connect and celebrate with other Newfrontiers churches in the Midwest. Newfrontiers in the USA has a shared mission to plant reproducing churches in the top 100 cities in the country.

This conference will be filled with worship, teaching and seeking God in prayer. Those who attend the conference really experience a renewed vision and fresh faith.

If you’ve never been to a Newfrontiers conference, don’t miss out on the chance to experience God in a bigger way! The conference will be May 31 – June 2 at the Tan-Tar-A Resort in Osage Beach, MO (Lake of the Ozarks). Watch the video and check out the link below for more details and registration information.

Celebration Midwest Page