Hamilton Elementary Teacher Appreciation

We have a great opportunity to encourage the staff at Hamilton Elementary School.

This coming week is teacher appreciation week. Destination Church has done 2 service projects at Hamilton and we want to continue to invest in this school in our community.

There’s an opportunity for our church to sponsor 44 teachers. Each sponsor would donate $10 and write a note of encouragement to a specific teacher. The donation goes towards an appreciation bag for that teacher. On Monday, May 2 at 7:00, Chrisann Goad will have pizza at her place for those who can help assemble the bags and write notes to the teachers.

Why not give online right now? Consider sponsoring more than one teacher. Give online now (On the second screen make sure to add a note to your gift and designate it as “Hamilton Teacher Appreciation”).

Please sign up today if you can help and Chrisann will contact you.

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