New Series- Church On The Beach

Everyone LOVES the Beach!
Starting August 23rd, we will be having 3 unique Sunday services right on the beach. We will be kicking off our new series “Is there a God?” Ever wonder how to answer those questions for those in your life who may not believe or have questions your self? Well this is a series for you! Also there will be baptisms each week in Lake Michigan.
So bring a towel or a folding chair, pack your lunch and plan to hang out afterwards. We’re going to be playing games and having an awesome time! This is a great opportunity for you to be a part of something special.
We will be meeting at the beach for the next three weeks! August 23rd, August 30th and September 6th. 10:30A at Foster Beach, 5200 N. Lake Shore Dr. There is a parking lot next to the beach entrance that you can pay to use. The Berwyn Red Line is nearby as well.