Parenting Seminar March 23-24

Parents and future parents! Please join us on March 23-24 for a special time to learn the art of parenthood from our guest speakers Carl & Virginia Herrington from Jubilee Church Atlanta. This seminar is not just for parents, but anyone who desires to be a parent in the future, whether you are single or married. We already have a number of singles signed up.

You can sign up on your Communication Card on Sundays or online here.

This event is open to people inside or outside the church. Please invite anyone you think might be interested. Parents are encouraged to find babysitters, which means there will be no childcare. Parents may indicate in the sign up process if they need help finding a babysitter.

When: Friday, March 23 at 7pm-9:30pm and Saturday March 24 9am-4:30pm with a break for lunch (Not provided. Eat at area restaurants).

Where: Newlife Church Lakeview, 2958 N. Damen Ave, 60618. Enter through the Wellington side entrance and head up the stairs to the top floor.

Sign up for the parenting seminar today.