
4 Reasons to Join a Small Group

God doesn’t want us to experience life alone. He designed the community of believers to build up each other’s faith.

  1. No one is exempt from trials.
    God never promised us a trial-free life (1 Thessalonians 3:3). Small Groups can be a place where we can honestly share our worries, insecurities, anxieties, and feelings of hopelessness. Small Groups are designed to build up each other’s faith when we are weary.
  2. Relationships give us meaning.
    In Genesis God said it was  “not good” for us to be alone. Jesus lived a life filled with human relationships. Small Groups are a practical way to withstand the loneliness epidemic present in our world today. God intended us to walk together in this world.
  3. There is more to church than worship services.
    Small Groups help us apply what we learn on Sunday mornings. We can also raise questions, clarifications, and thoughts about the Bible. Pursuing and serving God together is far more beneficial than doing it on our own.
  4. Being together increases spiritual fervency.
    Christians can be compared to coals. When the coals are together, it keeps the fire burning; it doesn’t run out. When we are with the community of believers, our fire to worship and serve God keeps burning. We inspire one another, pray and encourage each other, and it only proves that we are better together.

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