Wrigleyville Summerfest 2011

Wrigleyville Summerfest 2011 will be Destination’s third summer festival. These booths coincide with our current Blockbuster Faith teaching series, which explores themes in 2011 summer movies and what the cinema of Gods word teaches us about them.

The booth displays 36 well known movie posters that present different life themes. Passersby stop and are intrigued by it and enter into a spiritual survey. We ask 4 simple questions about how the movies relate to their lives (see photo below). The purpose is two-fold. Firstly, to sow spiritual seeds and get people thinking about their life and God. Secondly, to stretch ourselves in learning to listen well and ask good questions. We want to learn how people think and how to measure the spiritual pulse of the city. We also offer small incentives, a chance to win $25 to the movies and a free bottle of water.

The casual, yet often deep conversations we have with Chicagoans at our booths are eye opening. This is a great way to spend your weekend!  Please sign up to serve a shift or two. Don’t miss out, serve at a Blockbuster Faith booth. Find out more.