You are invited to Destination’s 2011 Christmas series: A CHILD IS BORN. Please join us for this two part series on December 11 & 18. Note that we are celebrating Christmas during this two week series and will not have a Christmas eve or day service.
We also have a special Baby Dedication during the December 11 service. This dedication is for parents that are regular attenders (attended 3 or more times) or members with children under 2 years old. The dedication will take place during our regular Sunday service and consist of a special time of prayer for each child. Dedication is a decision for each parent to entrust their child’s future to the Lord and pray over them for Gods blessing.
Please sign up each child you wish to dedicate (email subscribers click here). Parents will need to write a short prayer of dedication in order to participate. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and family to celebrate together. Sign up with this form.