When we desire authentic relationships, community begins to form, and when community forms around a shared vision, a bond is created that unites the community for a purpose greater than themselves. One of the unfortunate truths about western Christianity today is that most people don’t understand the purpose of the Church as the Bible defines it. Many believe that church is primarily a personal activity only for personal gain. The truth, however, is that purpose of the Church is much bigger than that! The Church is meant to be a community of people focused on Jesus, and that focus launches us, as a community, into a mission and purpose of making Jesus known throughout the world. The reality is that this community is an eternal community, and we want to learn now what it means to be a part of it!
Join us as we explore these truths in our “All In: Christ & His Community” teaching series. The series will focus on the book of Ephesians, and through that we’ll learn in-depth what it means to be in Christ and to be part of His community. Be sure not to miss this series as we learn the “manifold wisdom of God” expressed through His Church.