Destination Church in Chicago is part of a global family of churches called Newfrontiers. We represent over 700 churches in over 60 nations. Staying connected is important as we focus on our mission to plant reproducing churches in the top 100 US cities and support international church planting missions. The Celebration Midwest conference is an […]
Daylight Savings
Don’t forget to set your clocks forward one hour this Saturday night. Hope to see you this Sunday morning for part 3 of Spiritual Velocity.
Spiritual Velocity
To calculate velocity you need to combine speed with direction. This measurement is not just about acceleration, but overall aim. Welcome to Spiritual Velocity, Destinations new Sunday teaching series starting February 27. It’s easy to look at people with spiritual speed and start to feel inferior. Or, to look at those who have a crystal […]
Healed From a Gluten Allergy
One of our members at Destination, Cyndi Cox, recently experienced a miracle. Read her story below … I had been dealing with gluten allergies for most of my life and learned to battle the pain and hardships that come along with it. I was so sensitive that if a crumb made it into my food, […]
Donate Your Clothes Feb 6
Please donate clothing items at Destination Church this Sunday (Feb 6th) for Lakeshore Healthcare and Rehab. Men’s clothing is especially needed (but not socks). Women’s clothing is welcome. Please clean and bag any clothes you’d like to donate. For the first week of our Financial Resolution teaching series we looked at the subject of cultivating contentment. We […]
Sign Up For a Small Group Today
At Destination Church Chicago we are offering 5 Small Groups this semester — and they are filling up fast! Small Groups are a great way to make connections and grow spiritually. We have Wednesday and Thursday night groups that will focus on personal finances and take a Biblical approach towards growing in financial stewardship. We […]
Financial Resolution
On January 30 we kick off a 4 part series titled Financial Resolution. The start of the year is the perfect time for many to get a grip on their personal finances. Whether you consider yourself good or bad with money, there will be something significant for everyone to learn. We live in one of […]
Relating to Culture
How should followers of Christ live within and relate to the culture around? This is a question that every church and every Christian must grapple with and find clarity on. There are two extremes. The first is to run away from culture and become isolated. The second is to become so much like the culture […]
No Service Jan 16
Take this Sunday off! Destination Church will be gathering in St. Louis for our annual weekend retreat for twentysomethings and students. For more information go here: // Please join us on Sunday January 23rd for our final Be Purposeful teaching series.
All Consuming
How much money did you spend over the Holidays? Can you pay off your credit card in January? Are you effectively stewarding the resources at your disposal? Those questions might hurt a little, but they are important considerations, especially at the start of the year. The good news is that on January 30th Destination Church […]