Brunch January 3rd @ 10am

This coming Sunday, January 3rd, we are having brunch at our apartment at 10am. Please come and feel free to invite a friend — the more the merrier! If you haven’t indicated on your communication card that you are coming then please use the form below (email subscribers click here). I can then send you our address if you don’t have it.

Because we think people are awesome, we dedicate a lot of time to building community. We often don’t realize how hungry we are for relationships until we encounter them. We want to start 2010 with the mindset of an outward focused community. I’ll spend a short time running through some of our basic plans for 2010 and we’ll establish some prayer goals for the year.

All are welcome. There are no official kids activities planned so parents will be responsible for their children. It’s going to be a fun atmosphere.

Brunch Form

[contact-form 9 “Brunch Jan 3, 2010”]