Most people are in debt and most don’t track their spending and therefore have no way of controlling their money. To put it bluntly, this means that most people are controlled by money. Now, people don’t walk around saying that, but the honest truth is, if you don’t have a plan for how to spend your money, and you don’t track it, YOU ARE A SLAVE TO IT.
Upon hearing this we all know that we should be the master, not the other way around. But, our culture has taught us to spend spend spend and not to worry about the consequences. If you are a follower of Christ, or you believe that we are ultimately responsible for how we live our lives, then do something about it. Make a plan, change, refocus and move ahead. How will you do this?
Start by making room on your calendar for Saturday November 7th, 10am-3pm. Destination Church is holding a financial seminar to help you not only think correctly about money but also to form a budget that will help you control your money and make plans for the future. There will be a $15 per person charge. Lunch is provided. Childcare is not available.
Dan Evans, a leader from Grace Church in Kansas City, will be our guest speaker. Dan has helped many people formulate personal budgets. He has also run budget courses of this nature over the past several years. You don’t want to miss this opportunity.
Please sign up using the link on the right.