Baptisms Sunday July 1, 2012

Please join us this Sunday July 1, 1:30pm at Foster Beach for baptisms. We will gather close to the end of the walkway which runs from the restrooms. Find directions here. Baptism symbolizes our spiritual death, burial and resurrection in Christ. “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ […]

Spectrum of Worship

There is no person or no object more worthy of our worship than the One True God we serve. That’s why He created us with an innate ability to worship, but it is often misdirected, waylaid and confused by the good things around us. It is God’s desire for us to grow into a deeper […]

Prayer Gathering April 20, 2012

Join us this Friday, April 20th at 7:30pm for a dynamic prayer gathering. Prayer is an important value of ours and drives all that we do. Come and seek God as we exalt Him and listen for His voice. Prayer gatherings were common throughout the New Testament book of Acts. As His people, we must pursue […]

All In: Christ & His Community

When we desire authentic relationships, community begins to form, and when community forms around a shared vision, a bond is created that unites the community for a purpose greater than themselves. One of the unfortunate truths about western Christianity today is that most people don’t understand the purpose of the Church as the Bible defines […]

Prayer Gathering March 16

At Destination we have overcome big obstacles as we’ve gathered to pray together. We’ve been given a big vision to bless this city, and God has met us through our prayers at each stage. Our lives are full of various challenges and trials. At different times we all feel busy, overwhelmed and anxious. But, the […]

Baptisms Sunday March 4 @ 4pm

Please join us this Sunday March 4th for a special baptism service. Baptism is a step of obedience for all believers. It is an outward sign of peoples faith in Christ. Because this is a celebration, we want to encourage every to be present to support those being baptized. We also plan to have dinner afterwards at Riverview Tavern […]

Parenting Seminar March 23-24

Parents and future parents! Please join us on March 23-24 for a special time to learn the art of parenthood from our guest speakers Carl & Virginia Herrington from Jubilee Church Atlanta. This seminar is not just for parents, but anyone who desires to be a parent in the future, whether you are single or […]


One of the most intriguing and confusing aspects of the Christian life is the use of Spiritual gifts in the church. Questions naturally arise such as, “What are Spiritual gifts all about? How do we know we’re meant to use them? Who is able to use them? Didn’t Spiritual gifts cease?” We desire to dissolve […]