Membership Lunch October 31

Membership Lunch is an opportunity for regular attenders and guests to take the next step in their relationship with Christ and explore what Destination Church is all about. It is not a commitment to membership, just an opportunity to find out more. Time: 12:30pm-3:30pm Location: 3247 N. Clifton Ave #1, 60657 We spent a long […]

Uncertain About Sex & God?

Some feel pretty weird about discussing sex in church. Some take it a step further and say that the two words “Sex” and “God” shouldn’t even appear next to each other. Why are we taking such a bold approach to the subjects of sex and spirituality? We believe that the God of the Bible is the […]

Mobilise USA 2011

One of the greatest experiences we share each year is moving our Sunday church gathering to St. Louis for the weekend! The MobiliseUSA students and twenties conference is not to be missed. This event is a fantastic group weekend get away. We have fun, we bond, we grow, we re-energize and we mobilize! Don’t wait, get […]

Why Study Undefiled?

At Destination Church Chicago our Fall Small Groups are taking 9 weeks to study the book Undefiled by Harry Schaumburg which is about sexual redemption. We’ve bought a copy for everyone who visits the church during the YOU, SEX & GOD teaching series. Please come visit and pick up your copy this Sunday. This book […]

Sex Questions?

Got questions about sex? As we go through our current teaching series YOU, SEX & GOD, please ask your questions and we’ll do our best to answer them on Sunday mornings or on the blog if time doesn’t permit. All questions will be presented anonymously. Email/RSS subscribers click here to use the form below. [contact-form […]

Buy Art Not People

Ever since the inception of Destination Church we’ve had a BIG desire to be involved in social justice issues in Chicago and the world. We’ve also been dreaming about how to bring artists together in a meaningful way. Guess what? We’ve found a way to do both, and it’s so simple. The artists at Destination […]

BYOP: Bring Your Own Person

This coming Sunday, October 17, Destination Church is launching our most anticipated and talked about teaching series to date! YOU, SEX & GOD. This is the Sunday to bring our “A” game. This is the Sunday to BYOP: Bring Your Own Person. God has placed people in our lives so that we can love them, serve […]

Fall Small Group Sign Ups

Spiritual growth never happens in a vacuum. Community formation never just happens accidentally. Both take time and intentionality. Both are essential for healthiness and happen best together. There is nothing more powerful, and more necessary, than communal spiritual advance and development. The Bible is clear on the matter. 1 Corinthians 12:26 If one member suffers, all suffer […]


YOU, SEX & GOD? What? Really? Why? At Destination Church Chicago we are taking 6 weeks to explore three of the most relevant and powerful words in the English language. The Bible is not prudish about the subject, in fact, it is direct and detailed in some sections. Sex is one of highest forms of relational […]