The Tipping Point

At Destination Church we are taking four weeks to journey through the book of Jonah and unpack Gods vision for our community and our role in fulfilling His purposes in the great city of Chicago. How can the whole city believe? God loves cities. He is relentless in pursuing the multitudes of people who dwell in our […]

Members Meeting

What This is a special meeting for members. We’ll review our past 18 months and look towards our next 12 months and pray together. Please prioritize this gathering. Where 1826 W. Patterson Ave, Apt 1, 60613 When Wednesday Sept 1st @ 8pm

Membership Class August 29, 2010

Membership Class is an opportunity for regular attenders and guests to take the next step in their relationship with Christ and explore what Destination Church is all about. Time: 12:30pm-3:30pm Location: Waiting for final confirmation We spent a long time thinking about it and there really is no good reason not to attend the upcoming […]

Prayer Gathering

A recent tweet from John Lanferman (a good friend of Destinations) about prayer said: A church that doesn’t pray doesn’t hope for anything greater than what it can produce apart from God. At this Chicago church we desire to pray! Join with us this Wednesday (Aug 18) at 7:30pm for a special prayer gathering at […]

As Seen In Time Out Chicago

Our current summer teaching series Blockbuster Faith, has caught the attention of Time Out Chicago, the self professed guide to what’s happening in the most exciting cities on the planet. Chicago = exciting. Blockbuster Faith = Happening. The article appeared on page 6 of the current print edition, with an estimated 40,000+ circulation, and online […]

Baptisms July 18, 2010

Congrats to Anthony Resto, Greg Tiffany and Josiah Bakken baptized by Matt Sweetman and Nik Burkhart in Lake Michigan on July 18, 2010. Baptism is a step of obedience for all believers and follows faith. The word in the original greek means to submerge. Baptism does not save, but symbolizes death, burial and resurrection with […]