We really do love this city! It’s an incredible city. One of the biggest cities in the United States. We are planning on living here for the rest of our lives. There is no better way to spread our passion and our vision than to distribute a video over the internet. Please take two minutes […]
Destination Weekend Retreat 2009
At Destination Church in Chicago we continue to build momentum towards our launch in February/March 2010. We have connected with a number of people in the city and are taking significant steps to galvanize the core group and deepen the sense of community we already feel. That’s why we are holding a retreat over labor […]
Survey Winners: $100 of Serious Meat!
The results are in! Three lucky Chicago residents are now the proud winners of a $100 gift certificate to Paulina Meat Market. That’s a serious amount of MEAT and I bet they’ve never been given anything like that from a church before. The purpose of the drawing was for the church in Chicago to invest […]
Encouraging Community Campaign
On June 15 Destination Church in Chicago are launching a 4 week campaign titled Encouraging Community. Over the past several decades community life in America has significantly broken down. Sociologically speaking we NEED community in order to stay in good health, be economically stable, have safer neighborhoods and to foster generosity — without these things we […]
Celebration Midwest 2009
A few of us from Destination Church made the journey to Missouri this past weekend to gather together with other Newfrontiers churches in the Midwest region. We had great times of worship, teaching and prayer. I lead the ONEBLAZE youth meetings and also had some platform time in the main Saturday night session to share […]
How did we pick the name?
Picking an appropriate name for a new Christian community is very challenging and time consuming — it’s kinda like naming a baby! A name sends a message and you are pretty much stuck with it. This is not something you want to screw up as it is so foundational. We strongly desire to connect with people who are […]