
Destination belongs to a global family of churches who are together on a mission. We call ourselves Newfrontiers. We are captivated by Christ and his mission to redeem people from every nation. This fascination causes us to do some pretty strange things …

  1. We send people on short term Life Change Teams to places like Zimbabwe (happening March 9-18, 2012).
  2. We teach about it during our Sunday gatherings (get ready for our upcoming series Adventure: Pursuing Hazardous Action).
  3. We start new churches in places we’ve never lived, to reach people we don’t even know (just like how Destination started).
  4. We pray for our city, our region, our nation and the nations (we did that in our weekly prayer time this morning).
  5. We give lots of money to fund these mission initiatives (we do that monthly and annually).
  6. We write articles and publications about it (current Link magazine edition).
  7. We invite people to speak at our church who LOVE Gods mission (upcoming guest speakers Sam Poe Oct 30th and Bryan Mowrey Dec 4th).

If this is a newer concept for you, it’s actually pretty simple to get your head around and understand what it means in your own life. In fact, we’d like for you to get a really good grasp of it and we have the perfect way for you to do so. We’d like to draw your attention to our most recent edition of The Link magazine, a publication by NewfrontiersUSA. There are three short articles, but go ahead and start with the first one to whet your appetite (click here if you can’t see the embedded version below).

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