This weekend is our last chance to tell Chicago our secrets!
At the Northside Summerfest we’ll be asking Chicagoans to match six secrets to six people. They get three attempts. This game is not only addicting, it positively opens people up to be invited to our ‘Secrets’ series starting September 2. See for more info.
We want more help at the booth. In fact, we want your help! Why? Well, it’s rare for there to be no one wanting to play the game. Our booth hardly has downtime. And, we even have up to 14 or 15 people playing the game at one time. With this much interest, we have a unique opportunity to help and serve people, but it means having an abundance of volunteers.
This years summer booths have been the best we’ve ever done. After encountering some opposition and having one of our booths canceled, we’ve already connected with more people than previous years. This means we want to end strong and really push through this last booth. The series starts soon, so let’s make the most of this opportunity as a church.
Please consider serving this coming Saturday and/or Sunday at the Northside Summerfest. This will change lives.