Mbonisi “Bones” Malaba and his wife, Tash, are longtime friends of the Confluence family. We’ve been encouraged by their enthusiasm for Jesus and their conviction that the gospel has power to unite people from every tribe and family on earth. After planting a thriving church in Zimbabwe, Bones and Tash felt God calling them to plant another church in Nairobi, Kenya. The Malabas, along with two other couples, launched OneTribe Church in January 2017.
Trinity Church has had a close friendship with the Malabas and One Tribe Church. We were eager to support this new church plant however we could. We took up special offerings which helped to defray the cost of launching a new church in a large city. Additionally, we knew that the leaders of OneTribe church shared a sense that God wanted them to reach their city through blessing children, and Trinity wanted to invest in that vision.
Last year, Trinity Church sent a team to Nairobi to help run a day camp for kids per the request of One Tribe Church. The mission of Trinity Church is to "enjoy and share the grace of Jesus" and this was a great opportunity to let us live out our vision abroad. The team planned the entire program so that members of OneTribe Church would be free to connect with kids and their families. More than thirty children participated each day, with several families returning for Sunday services. Through on-the-ground initiatives like this one, as well as prayer and financial support, we’re committed to serving OneTribe Church as they proclaim the gospel in Nairobi.
This summer, from July 30th to August 14th, we have been invited back to One Tribe Church for another day camp for kids. We are excited to return and see old friends and meet new ones. The camp will be 4 days this year and we are praying for more children to attend this year. In addition to the day camp, we will be serving along One Tribe Church on Sunday, experiencing life in Nairobi and spending time with the community of the church throughout the week.
Please join us in thanking God for this opportunity and praying for a trip where everyone experiences and enjoys more of the grace of Jesus.