For our current teaching series Adventure: Pursuing Hazardous Action, we are looking at the very first missionary journey found in Acts 13. At the beginning of this story we see the church in Antioch gathering to seek God in worship and prayer. In this context the Holy Spirit speaks and commissions Saul and Barnabas into new work. This mission action changed the course of human history and ultimately the spread of the gospel to Europe. Aren’t you glad they gathered to pray about Gods will?
At Destination we desire to follow the pattern of the New Testament church and seek the direction of the Holy Spirit. It’s easy to get involved in all kinds of activities, even really good activities, but we must be relentless about pursing what God wants us to do. Our prayer gatherings happen exactly for this reason.
Please join us this Friday November 11 at 7:30pm as we worship and pray together at Christian Fellowship Church, 3425 N. Damen Ave., Chicago, IL 60618. This prayer gathering will have an informal format. Parents are encouraged to bring their children, and while there is no organized childcare, there is plenty of space for them.
Let’s pursue some hazardous action together!