It can be pretty discomforting to attend a new church where you don't know what to expect, especially if you haven't been to church in a while, or maybe you never have. We hope this page will put you at ease.
Contact us if you have further questions.
What Kind Of People Go To Trinity?
Trinity Church is situated on the north side of the city. We have a big heart for all types of people. We attract students, young professionals, singles, couples, families, business men and women. Pretty much anyone who lives in the vicinity finds the church to be welcoming and relevant. We draw people from around the city as well who find Trinity worth the trip.
What Will Happen?
To be honest, we try to keep things pretty simple. You won't be expected to do anything special, say anything, or be anything. It is very easy to arrive, enter, find a drink, locate the restrooms and take a seat. After that, it's even more simple. We start with one or two worship songs, followed by announcements, the sermon, and more worship afterward with communion. We stand up for our worship songs (you are welcome to sit) and sit down during the message. Told you, it's REALLY straightforward. And, if you really want to meet people, that's easy to do as well.
What Am I Expected To Do?
Expect there to be no expectations. There's no secret code or special knowledge you need to know ahead of time. We simply expect you to enjoy the service and hopefully learn something helpful.
What Should I Wear?
Feel free to dress casually and comfortably or more formally – whatever you feel best in is good with us.
What Will The Worship Songs Be Like?
We sing contemporary Christian worship music and mix in traditional hymns, as well as write a few songs of our own. We'll sing well known and current songs from Matt Redman, Hillsong, Stuart Townend, Simon Brading, Tim Hughes, Chris Tomlin, Jesus Culture, Citizens, etc ...
What If I'm Running Late?
Everyone's late to something. Don't sweat it. People often come in and out of the service for plenty of valid reasons. No one will notice your arrival, so just slip in. Better late than never!
How Do I Get There?
Please read our contact us page for directions.
Will I Be Asked To Give Money?
We take up an offering each week at the end of the meeting. This is an opportunity for people to give towards our vision. However, you will not be expected to give money. Giving is a part of how we worship God, and because worship is a choice, we will never pressure anyone to give. We allow each person to determine their level of participation themselves. Trinity Church is supported by the gifts of its attenders who are encouraged to give with excitement and joy rather than out of obligation.
What About My Kids?
Our interactive kids program is Bible-based and super fun. Kids love the activities, curriculum, worship, music, play area, toys, and crafts. Our goal is that Sunday at church will be one of the BEST experiences of your child’s week! Our team consists of trustworthy and trained volunteers. We offer a variety of programs for kids aged 0-8th grade, as well as a nursing mother's room. Kids participate in the Children's Ministry right when church begins at 10:00am. You may check your kids in between 9:45am and 9:55am, if you are running late, check them in as soon as you are able. Please read our Trinity Kids page for more information.
Can I Bring Someone With Me?
What Kind Of Church Is Trinity?
We are non-denominational but belong to a family of churches throughout the world called Newfrontiers. We teach the Bible and expect to have a genuine relationship with Christ. The best way to find out what we are like is to visit.
What Are The Messages Like?
The goal of our preaching is life transformation, not just the transmission of information. Bible knowledge is not assumed, it's explained. It's the balance of down-to-earth, practical, intellectual, emotional, and personal messages we strive for. We don't achieve that every time, but it's our goal. We teach directly from the Bible, but in a relevant way. See for yourself.
How Long Are The Meetings?
The service starts at 10am and will run for an hour and a half. There is also plenty of time afterward to grab another coffee if you don't have immediate plans. Plus, we have a free book for all our first-time guests who complete and turn in a Connect Card, so grab one as you leave. It's a little thank you for visiting and staying till the end! We also give out free Bibles.
Where Are The Restrooms?
As you enter the building at the southeast door, head up the stairs. The men's restroom is located before you enter the lobby, and the women's restroom is on the opposite side of the lobby. There are signs to guide you.
If I Like It, How Do I Get Involved?
You can indicate on the back of your Connect Card if you are interested in getting more involved. We'll show you how in the meeting. It's super easy.
Who Leads Trinity Church?
The founding pastor is Matt Sweetman. Matt is from Brighton, England, and is married to Heather, who grew up in Kansas City. They have four children: Jones, Macrae, Paisley, and Finley. Matt has a background in online marketing. He has completed the Trilogy leadership project and Church Planting Training offered by Newfrontiers USA. Meet our leaders.