New Service Times and Why

As a church God is leading us into new things this fall and I want to invite you to play a part. Our purpose is to glorify God by enjoying and sharing the grace of Jesus. This means we long to celebrate Jesus more and help bring more people into one of the greatest things going on earth — God’s family!

We want to create more room and more opportunities in our church. It’s so easy to get focused on ourselves, on our group of friends, and the way we like things. As a result we want to purposefully get more uncomfortable by leaning into our purpose and mission. On September 17 we are taking a step of faith and will start offering two morning services. One at 9:15am and the second at 11am. Only the first service will have a kids program. Everything else will be identical. This will provide more opportunity for people to come based on their own availability. The purpose of this is to share the grace of Jesus with more people in our great city. This will also help us be more Christlike. Will you help this be successful by making it a high priority in your own life?

To launch our second service we will start an important six week series: How To Be Married. This will be helpful to anyone celibate, single, dating, engaged, married, or divorced. Marriage is an important topic in our culture and also to God. The Bible itself starts and ends with a wedding. Most people desire marriage and are married at some point. We have never done a full series on it before, and we desperately need wisdom and insight into this fundamental area of life.

To be considerate of others and make space for new people we need to keep an eye on our parking capacity. If you drive, please consider first and foremost street parking, garage parking, carpooling or CTA. Creating less personal convenience is a Christlike way to put others before ourselves. Thank you for your consideration.

Let’s live to share the grace of Jesus. One great way to do this is to invite people to explore Christianity. Which seven or more people can you be in prayer for to invite for September 17? Proverbs 28:1 says “the righteous are bold as a lion.”

This is a new, exciting, and stretching phase for our church, and it will require adjustments from us all. Let’s face this season with discernment, ownership, and teamwork.