Stewarding Our Building

church door

Trinity Family,

Over the course of the last 10 years, it’s been a privilege to be involved with serving in leading in the church we all love and call home. I care a great deal about our church family and have grown to care about our new building and seeing us thrive here. To that end, I’m excited to announce that I’ve accepted the position of Building Manager with Trinity Church!

This is a brand new part-time volunteer position that was created due to the complex nature of renting a church building. We no longer have a space for only 6 hours on a Sunday. We have keys, cleaning, and maintenance to manage. We have schedules to coordinate. We have a landlord to communicate with. All of these together require a dedicated role to ensure that we’re able to thrive in our space.

This is a great opportunity for us all to increase our level of ownership over our building. In the coming weeks, I’ll be establishing teams, systems, and processes to ensure that you have a specific place to bring your questions, issues, and requests. Rather than having one person be a catch-all for anything building-related, the responsibility will be shared.

And it starts with you! If you see something wrong in the building, say something! (To the right person...)

  1. If it’s something you can take care of yourself (picking up some trash, cleaning up a spill), you are hereby given permission to do it!
  2. If it’s an issue with your serving team, talk to your coordinator.
  3. If it’s another issue on a Sunday, talk to the Facilitator.

They may ask you to submit a maintenance request. You can do this anytime at We’ll continue to iron out these processes to ensure they make sense and don’t put too much burden on any one person. Renting a big, old church building is a new experience for all of us, so we’re learning how to do it together!

It’s a privilege to lead the charge in that regard. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support!



Volunteer Building Manager


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